Posted on Jan 12, 2023
We had a full house for our weekly meeting at the Howe Sound Inn.
Our guests included the Mayor and three Councillors of the District of Squamish, which provided an opportunity to meet and chat with these recently elected members of the Council.
The program also included:
  ► an overview of recent club activities and projects.
  ► the presentation of project funding grants to several recipients:
      • Squamish Seniors Centre Society
      • Squamish Food Bank Society
      • MediCar Program
Mayor Armand Hurford and Councillors Eric Andersen, John French and Lauren Greenlaw answered a few quick-fire questions from Kevin Haberl to reveal some (non-politcal) information about themselves.
Past President Vicki Haberl gave a summary of some of the club's recent projects and activities including the Urban Farm, Recycle Bicycle, the Youth Hub at the S2S Foundry, Pumpkin Patch, the Centre of Hope in Manila, and more.
Herbert Vesely of the Squamish Seniors Centre Society spoke about the project to revitalize the lawn bowling green in Eaglewinds to make it once again an amenity that the community can use and enjoy. 
The $9,000 funding will go towards the purchase & installation of artificial turf and reduce the ongoing maintenance costs of the facility. With Kyla Paine, Community Service chair, and Ross Dickson, club Grant Committee.
Emma Cox and Abi Watson, Squamish Food Bank Society, updated us on the work the Food Bank is doing at Under One Roof and how it helps people in our Community, specially families with young children.
The grant of $10,000 will fund the purchase of baby products and supplies such as diapers, formula, wipes, etc, for 6 months. These are items that are not usually donated and need to be purchased. 
Grace Halverson is the coordinator of the Squamish CancerCar program, a volunteer organisation which provides transportation for cancer patients to appointments at clinics in the lower mainland. read MORE. The plan is now to expand the program and provide a MediCar service.
Bob Fast and Squamish Rotary have donated $20,000 which will allow the CancerCar program to be expanded to include volunteer transportation for more types of specialist medical appointments. The grant provides funding for the first year of operation of the new MediCar program.  With Bob Fast & club President Lynda Rocha. 
Glen McEachran wrapped up the meeting in his usual indomitable style - handing out fines to the unsuspecting and collecting Happy Dollars.