Youth Service

Rotary's programs for students and youth can change the lives of those who participate. Through these programs, young people can earn scholarships, travel on cultural exchanges, or help a community through a service project.
For over 50 years, Squamish Rotary has made a commitment to the young people of our community. We currently fund the in-school breakfast program at the elementary schools, teach bike safety to all elementary-aged students in Squamish, host and send out long term youth exchange students each year and several short term students, sponsor students on various "Adventure" programs, sponsor Interact Rotaract Clubs and one Rotaract club, and award a $1000 bursary to a deserving student in our community.
For the past several years, Squamish Rotary has supported Communities That Care through funding and provision of literacy materials. We are also proud supporters of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
Squamish Rotary is commited to helping all our young people reach their full potential.
For over 50 years, Squamish Rotary has made a commitment to the young people of our community. We currently fund the in-school breakfast program at the elementary schools, teach bike safety to all elementary-aged students in Squamish, host and send out long term youth exchange students each year and several short term students, sponsor students on various "Adventure" programs, sponsor Interact Rotaract Clubs and one Rotaract club, and award a $1000 bursary to a deserving student in our community.
For the past several years, Squamish Rotary has supported Communities That Care through funding and provision of literacy materials. We are also proud supporters of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
Squamish Rotary is commited to helping all our young people reach their full potential.